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[ Papers ]

In this paper we describe a verification environment developed for the emerging CE-ATA interface that can be used as a plug-n-play verification component into any SoC that implements a CE-ATA bus. The paper was presented at IP/SoC 2005, Grenoble, France.

A complete verification environment capable of verifying both CE-ATA Host or Device designs based on a layered checker model.
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The CE-ATA eVC, based on a layered checker architecture, can be used to verify CE-ATA Hosts and Devices.

Functional Verification IP
Customer Quotes
Samsung relies on Globetech VIP for advanced verification
"Globetech's verification IP plays an instrumental role in ensuring our group minimizes verification risk. Their technical support team has provided prompt and highly competent verification expertise that has helped us meet our project specific needs."

Milind Parab, Senior Development Manager, System LSI Division, Samsung India [read more]