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Announcing eRM™ compliant versions of Globetech Solutions' eVCs


Globetech Solutions released today new, e Re-use Methodology (eRM) compliant versions of the UART and IrDA SIR/MIR/FIR eVCs. The new eVCs have been developed according to Verisity's eRM and have been certified for compliance using eAnalyzer's new eRM certification tool [more on verisity.com].

New Features

These new verification components deploy several new and exciting features on top of the generation, checking and coverage collecting capabilities of earlier versions.

  • Plug-n-play compatibility with Specman Elite™
    Specman Elite can now dynamically incorporate the eVCs into any verification environment in an automated manner. By combining standardized structures, packaging and interfacing, the verification engineer will only need to learn how to configure and operate eRM-compliant eVCs once.
  • Consistent test scenario generation through Sequences
    Sequences raise the test writing abstraction level by enabling entire test scenarios to be generated with only a single statement. The value of Sequences becomes even more evident when traffic must be synchronized across multiple ports.
  • Debug messaging through Messages
    The Message action makes it easier for users to determine where problems lie by providing consistent debugging controls and uniform message formats and filters.
  • Event synchronization and run-time status coordination
    New Specman Elite features allow for better runtime data analysis and status coordination. The Visualization Toolkit provides a means to graphically depict the actions taking place in the verification environment in order to more easily comprehend the time sequencing of events and simplify debugging.

Availability - Upgrades

Globetech Solutions eRM-compliant UART and IrDA eVCs are currently available. Please contact us directly at info@globetechsolutions.com or talk to your Verisity CE about our products and services.

Current licensed Globetech Solutions customers can upgrade to the eRM versions of their eVCs at no cost. If you are interested in upgrading, contact us at licenses@globetechsolutions.com.

Posted on Mon, 28 June 2004 08:15:23

Functional Verification IP
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Globetech a premier Cadence partner
"Globetech is a [Cadence] premier Verification Alliance Partner with years of verification expertise, complemented by readily available verification IP. They substantially improve customers' time to productivity, and give them greater confidence in first-pass success."

Steven Glaser, Corporate VP Marketing, Cadence Verification Division [read more]