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Globetech Solutions joins Novas Harmony program

MOUNTAIN VIEW, CA, June 5, 2006 – Globetech Solutions, a leading provider of verification and test solutions for complex chip designs, today announced its membership in the Novas Harmony Program. In partnership with Novas, Globetech Solutions will enrich its verification intellectual property (VIP) products and tools with enhanced interoperability with Novas’ Verdi™ Automated Debug System. Through the program, Globetech Solutions will also gain access to Novas Siloti™ Visibility Enhancement products in order to explore integration with verification of standardized design-for-test structures. 

“Offering best-in-class solutions for the industry’s growing design verification and test challenges is core to our business”, said Stylianos Diamantidis, Managing Director of Globetech Solutions.  “By working closely with the market leader in debug, we are helping our mutual customers reduce the time it takes to identify and resolve design bugs, as well as boost silicon debug productivity.”

To accelerate verification, Globetech Solutions VIP products analyze bus and interface protocols at the transaction level.  Higher levels of abstraction such as those provided by transactions are key to the verification, analysis, and debug of complex systems because they hide confusing, low-level details so engineers can focus on vital information about the operation of the system under test.  Globetech Solutions will utilize Novas’ open interfaces to write transaction information to Novas’ Fast Signal Database (FSDB) format, enabling Verdi’s transaction-level exploration and analysis features and ultimately speeding design verification and debug. 

“Our mission is to automate and simplify the design comprehension and debug process,” said George Bakewell, Director of Product Marketing.  “Our collaboration with Globetech Solutions is consistent with that goal, giving engineers the opportunity to significantly reduce the time it takes to verify and comprehend their designs.”


About Novas Harmony Program

Novas established the Harmony program in 1999 to lower the cost of EDA tool interoperability.  With over 50 partners, the Harmony program provides developers of verification and other tools with software licenses, engineering support for integration efforts, and ongoing support for mutual customers.  Novas’ open application programming interfaces (APIs) ensure that the widest range of chip design and verification solutions can take advantage of its systems-through-silicon debug and visibility enhancement capabilities.


About Globetech Solutions

Globetech Solutions is a leading provider of advanced design verification and silicon test solutions. By integrating methodologies, tools and IP, Globetech addresses the complete cycle from specification to validated silicon. Customers, including some of the world’s largest technology developers, use Globetech’s products and services to overcome modern challenges in complex IC product development. Globetech Solutions is a Cadence Verification Alliance and OpenChoice Partner.  For further information on products and services, visit

Posted on Mon, 05 June 2006 10:07:28

Functional Verification IP
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Globetech VIP major contributor for STMicro
“Globetech’s high quality products, outstanding support and on-time deliverables have made a major contribution to the success of our [CJTAG] IP development.”

François Oswald, Digital Design Director, Wireless Multimedia Division, STMicroelectronics [read more]